Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Overcoming Adversity

Have you ever had to overcome a significant problem? Who did you turn to for


Lukas Malakas said...

No significant problems come to mind. But if i had one depending on the problem i might go to the person that knows best so like if i'm having trouble in a class i would go to the teacher. Or something more personal i would go to mi mum.

$up3r m@r!0 said...

yea ive had many times when i have problems to deal with. usually i look to my friends because my step mom isint a figure i can look up to and my dad cant always be their for me

Taoster said...

i have had a problem, which id rather not talk about, but i turned to my closest friend Edgar. Some people think that we are brothers. I always would help him out, and he helps me when i need it the most.

kyle said...

A significant problem would be my parents divorce when i was twelve. I really didn't turn to anyone my mom took me to a psychologist, because i had other problems but i really didn't turn to them. I just Learned on my own how to deal with my problems. I know is good to talk about your problems but i have no one good to turn to. Except my friends.

atehsarah said...

Whenever I have problems, I would always go to my parents and my friends to get support. They would always help me get through anything.They always want me to do my best in everything whether academic or not.

MikeyDeezy said...

No I have not yet overcome this particular problem that I am working on. But I have turned to my former football coach for advice and support.

Daniiela :D said...

Yes i have had several of significant problems and I turn for help to my family if is really serious, but if is not then I go to my friends and ask them for help

amanda said...

i have never had a significant problem that was so hard to overcome that i couldn't handle myself. but if i had a problem i would go to my parents first and i am positive that they could help me.

Rachel said...

I cannot think of any significant problems at the moment. If I were to have a significant problem I would turn to my mom if it was concerning my family or my school.

Evan said...

I have faced many problems in my life and I have turned to different people depending on the problem. I have turned to family and to friends to help me with my problems. They are very supportive and help me the best way they can.

The "other" Evan said...

Whenever I run into a problem too overwhelming, I don't ask for help, ever. Sometimes people think I want or need help, but usually they end up making it worse. When someone tries to help, it would remind me of whatever it was. I just like to forget about things like that.

beto said...

The problem that I have had to overcome the most is how my grades are at school all the time. My parents always support me by telling me to keep trying harder at school and to always work hard at school.

Miriam2 said...

Whenever I have a problem, I go to my friends and my cousin because they know me very well, and they are my age so they help me a lot. Sometimes I go to my mom, but it's hard for me to express what I feel with my mom because she is older than me, and sometimes I feel she doesn't understands what I feel.

Neemers2000 said...

Some of the significant problems that i had were hard to say to my parents, but sometimes i cant always go to them i just say to myself that i can get over it or start new again. so sometimes i look deep down inside myself for the support i need and will always get.

celine :D said...

yes I have. The people that i've turned to for support was my family, my best friend and GOD [:

if it was for school, i would go to my teacher(s), mom, dad and best friend. my best friend also b/c's we are only one year apart, but have a lot in common for school.

for family problems, i go to my best friend and my sister. <33

emo ninja said...

i dont remember if i had to overcome any significant problems, but if i had to, depending on the circumstances, i would either go to my friends for support, or keep it to myself, and if the problem was a bit too hard for me to handle i would go to my parents for support

dzmyriam said...

No, but if I did I think the only person that I would turn would be my mom because she knows me best. If it was at school I would probably turn to a teacher or a friend.

dzmyriam said...
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mattc said...

If I had a problem I'd go to my parents for help, because they know me best and can help me.

wana start somethin? toya said...

i have had a lot of emotional problems in my life and i could never talk to my family. my brother sometimes listened bu never really helped. My grandpa ALWAYS listened and always helped out but he isn't gonna be here forever, though i hope he does. But usually i can just talk out loud o myself at random times and somehow i always get an answer but here at HTH can really talk to people, all my foos, especially my bubble popping buddie!!!! she rocks!!i think though that the one person i can always turn to is my granmama!!even though shes in a better place, i always have dreams bout her and it always makes everything better.

Jermzz said...

i don' think that i have had any significant problems but if i did i think that i would go to my parents first because they would understand.

J-Rod said...

I haven't had to overcome any major problems, but there are always tiny ones that come my way. I have a problem with trying to make everything the way I want it. Usually it is a problem with having some work I do not be as great as I want it, so I make it a bigger problem than it is is my mind. Usually I take my frustration out on my mom, but I always look for guidance from her, even though I sometimes think I know more than her. She helps me a lot after I have calmed down, and I am grateful that she is always there for me.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I have not had to overcome any significant problems but if I did, then I would probably first turn to my friends and if that did not work I would probably go to my parents.

plummer_816 said...

A significant problem i had would be my parents divorce, my tia Maru would always be there to comfort me. She would explain why they were getting divorce and would tell me that everything will be ok. i miss her

Andres Castro said...

no there was not really a big problem in my life before so i have nothing to really reflect on

Cristian said...

whenever i have a problem i would go to my parents or friends it would depend on the situation because some problems are uncomfortable if i go to my parents or my friends

mr.6p said...

Ive had countless amount of conflicts i couldn't resolve on my own so when that happens i turn to friends, family, and so on.

Unknown said...

i have problems but i don't think significant but when i do have a problems i would turn to my family or friends they always have my back and would always will help me when i need it the most.

@NDR3@:D said...

I have had to deal with many problems before but they haven't been as significant as the problems the Freedom Writers have faced. During these problems, I sometimes turn to my friends but I usually don't turn to anyone.

Miranda said...

I have had a few major problems that I felt like I needed to tell to someone, but I was always too shy. If I did tell someone it would be my closest friend J.J. She understands everything that comes out of my mouth!

Jayvee23 said...

I never had a significant problem. There s no one i could turn to for help

ANABEATRIZ:) said...

I had a signifcent problem, i had a fight with my best friend last year and that affected me alot.

h.p.f. said...

Fortunately, I have not have to overcome a significant problem but I've known of people having to overcome intense problems. If I did have a serious problem, I would turn to my best friend Valerya because I know that she would help me as much as she could and I can trust her with whatever I have to tell her. I would also turn to my parents because I can know they give great advice.

Anonymous said...

there are no significant problems I've been faced with so far in my life, thank goodness. If I did have a problem that big, I would probably look to my mom because she just always seems to know the answer to anything I ask her about.

Drod said...

i never had a significant problem i had to overcome dealing with adversity

emiiliio :) said...

Well just recently I had a problem with some of my friends here at school. In high school it's hard to find people to trust and be able to tell them things. With this problem I went to one of my friends from church who is out of high school and she told me just to try to forget about it and see if their big enough to confront the problem and apologize.

Anonymous said...

I have turn my support to my parents like my mom and dad and i do support them especialy my brother.

kelsey said...

there are many times in my life where i have had problems but everytime i do i go to my best friend! CHARLENE
i can trust me with anything and she can trust me
i love her to death

Paris Johnson said...

i really dont want to talk about this but if i need to talk to anyone it would be my mom, dad, sister, or friends.

willywonka said...

i have been in a significant problem when my older brother had to go to rehab. i felt bad for him but i knew he was doing the wrong thing and he knew something was coming. i turned to one of my best friends and told her how i felt and what i was going through. she helped me and supported me all the way.

paola:) said...

most of the time i turn to my parents
they have more experienced than me so i can turn to them for advice.
i also like to ask for their help because in some similar way they can relate to my problem.

Anonymous said...

ii had a word fighjt and the firt person i went to was my best friend and she helped me and then i just ended the fight like 3 days later.

Alberto Loza said...

normally when i have problems i go to my sister for help and sometimes i just think about them and analyze the problem then i just think of how to solve it

Spaztic110 said...

I have a few problems, but none were extremely important that I think of them every day. In my life I feel as though things happen, we care, then we think every now and then, and eventually get over it. I seem to get over things a little quicker than others. I think I turn to my parents in those times of trouble, but prefer to think about things cosmically and in different perspectives. Then again I'm probably contradicting myself because... I don't even know anymore. Whatever.

ceci said...

i cant remember any significant problems...but usually wheni have a problem i talk to my cousin and my friend that is practically familly to me. i tell them everything. they usually help me and give me advice to help me

gearheadkiller said...

no problems i had to overcome but i would come turn to my mom.

j&e said...

uhmm yes i did have an awful problem once i was in alot of trouble i cant say exactly what it was but it was a bad problem that i had gotten myself into nothing illegal or anything but it was really bad and i turned to my friend taylor and she helped me with advice and she helped me figure out if i had really gotten myself intro trouble but yeh she definitely helped me:)

Unknown said...

I cant think of any significant problems for me right now. If i had some i would go to my close friends for support.

platiniumgirl said...

well two summers ago my grandpa died and we where going to visit him but in the way we got a call from my aunt she had informed us that he had died earlier that morning while sleeping that really hit me hard but i over come it because i knew that he wasn't suffering anymore and because in my heart i knew that he was in a better place i still miss my grandpa but i know hes better now...