Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Comparing the Book and Movie

After seeing the movie, were the
characters as you had pictured them in
the book?


Alberto Loza said...

no, the ones in the movie seemed way older that the ones in the book, well at least for me they did.

Anonymous said...
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@NDR3@:D said...

Yes there were many characters in the movie that I had pictured in the book but not all of the characters were there. In the book it said that there were 150 freedom writers and in the movie there was only one classroom that had about 25 students.

h.p.f. said...

I pictured the characters a little differently than how they appeared in the movie. None of the actors looked like they were 14, but I pictured them kind of like that in junior maybe senior year.

j&e said...

Well actually i kind of imagined all of the characters in the book. because on the cover of my book it showed the people from the movie. But if i had imagined it myself yes i would've thought they looked way different because in the movie when they were freshman they looked 18 or 19 haha.

Miranda said...

Some of them were better than I imagined the real kids looked like, especially how some of them looked pretty tough at first. I though all them of them did a good acting and role playing their characters.

kelsey said...

Most of the characters were has i pictured in the book. Others looked super old in the movie.
I liked the book better then the movie it had more details.

Anonymous said...

some of them were the way i imagened them and some of them were the oposite.because some of them didnt seem like 14 year old, and because i imagended different characteristics.

paola:) said...


emiiliio :) said...

Well first off, they could have picked actors that actually look like their freshmen. They should have put more diary entries in the movie so you could know more about the characters that the movie didn't say anything about. It was a good movie, but the book was better :)

Jayvee23 said...

They were the same because in the movie it showed the diaries of people in the book. For example the book showed jammal like a jerk and in the movie he was a jerk.

ANABEATRIZ:) said...

I thought that the ones in the movie were way older than the ones in the book, and it seems worst situations of what happened with the kids in the book than they showed it in the movie.

Cristian said...

after i saw the movie i thought that the characters in the movie were some like the students in the book

but the ones in the movie were a little older than the ones in the book but they still portrayed the ones from the book very niceley

willywonka said...

yea because the characters in the movie were like the ones in the book. but the movie didn't show all the way through high school just to sophomore. they added some situations, or they put diaries i don't remember i read. but after seeing the movie i thought it was good.

ceci said...

the characters in the movie looked like as if they would older and in the book they seemed younger.

Drod said...

It seemed like, there were more characters in the book, and they could express their thoughts better in the book because they were sharing their experiences through their writing and not just through a movie

platiniumgirl said...

well i never really gave any character a face specially because there where no consistent characters only ms. Gruwell and that's it so i couldn't compare any characters from the book to characters from the movie.

Andres Castro said...

some characters looked like the way i had thought but the only difference was that they looked older than 14 more like if they were in there 20's and if it wasn't for that it would be the same.

Unknown said...

Yes. When I was watching the movie the students would read their diary, and I could remember reading them in the book. I thought the movie would be kind of different though. I thought it would have more drama in it because of reading the book.

Anonymous said...

I knew some of the characters were a boy or girl, African American or White, Asian or Latino because they mentioned it in their diary entry. Other entries I couldn't tell whether they were African American or Latino because they write the same and have similar problems. Diary entries made more sense, after watching the movie, because they had finally been matched with a person who is like the person who actually wrote it.

Unknown said...

yeah I think the book and the movie were alike a little but the movie didn't show all what happened with the Freedom Writers lives it also only showed two years of the Freedom Writers life in high school it should have shown more.

Spaztic110 said...

In the beginning, the characters were as I imagined them(except for the white guy, who I imagined to be more angry than scared) because they all were ignoring the teacher and talking amongst each other as normal teens would in the hallway, except in the classroom. I liked the movie because it gave the writers a face and a name, which can give a difference when you try to connect diaries together. As the movie progressed however there were times I thought the students were kinda script reading and could've been more enthusiastic but overall a decent movie. Miep Gies = Good Emotion from all students.
Reading Diaries after Parent Teacher Night= Not enough when the writers read out loud.

darkness said...


mr.6p said...

The characters in the movie looked way older than than the kids in the book. like Eva and Jamal looked and talked like they were 17+. In my opinion the book is better than the movie.

gearheadkiller said...
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gearheadkiller said...

the book was better than the movie because the movie was to short and the book gave more detail.

george said...
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Evan said...
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MikeyDeezy said...

Yes the characters were exactly the same as I had pictured them in the book because I had already seen the movie

$up3r m@r!0 said...

yes and no. their were a lot of diary entry's and in the movie their weren't that many kids, so i couldn't really match any one person to a diary

The "other" Evan said...

The only thing different that I pictured them as was the fact that they wouldn't be dressed as "nice". Even the kid that said he was wearing "clothes from last year" seemed to be wearing new clothes.

M@ said...

Yes and no, i thought that the would look meaner than they looked, and they behaved the same way as the characters in the book.

amanda said...

yes and in some of the diaries i could picture them in my mind. like the one where the girl saw her mother being half beaten to death i had pictures it almost exactly how they showed it in the movie.

kyle said...

no, i pictured them really differently even though i watched the movie already. The characters in the movie looked and sounded older.Not knowing what the freedom writers went though.But in the book they seemed like they were young and not knowing of what to do with themselves. The book is always better than the movie. But i always watch the movie and not read the book :P.

beto said...

The characters in the movie were not really how I thought they would be in the book. Some of them were the same like they were in the movie but not all of them.

Jermzz said...

yes, because i had seen the movie before i read the book although no movie is better and as detailed as the book.But that's what you get for reading.

Anonymous said...

I personally did not picture the students in the book the way the actors in the movie looked. In the movie the students looked like seniors even thought they were freshman and also in the book, there were like 150 Freedom Writers but in the movie there were only like 30. I did picture some of the students to look almost like that and they all had the same attitude as the book.

Evan said...

No, the characters in the movie looked a lot older than I pictured. The movie only showed a few students and it also only showed Freshman and Sophomore year which I thought was very disappointing.

Lukas Malakas said...

in the movie there were less kids in the classroom than 150. Also they seemed like to years older than what grade they should be in. Also marcus was always eating and their were no diaries about that. I think i was the most like marcus. And i also saw the movie before i read the book
and remembered it pretty well

Rachel said...

Yes and no. The characters looked really old to be 14 but they did look like they were the seniors that I had imagined while reading the book. They also seemed to be dressed too nice from what they had described in the book.

atehsarah said...
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Neemers2000 said...

In the movie it looked like there were seniors in a freshmen class and there were more freedom writers in the book than in the movie. The movie had a whole lot less diaries than the book. The book was much better also because it included junior and senior year.

emo ninja said...

NO. the ones in the movie looked way older than 14...
and all 150 freedom writers werent showed in the movie.
but i guess the characters were as i pictured them

celine :D said...

To me they were. Their characteristics were and when you read their diary entries and saw their faces in the movie, i put it together and was able to remember their story. :]

george said...

The people in the movie were really old and they didn't have enough details like the book did. They didn't even have the last two years. But in the movie they did act like the characters in the book

Miriam2 said...

Yes, I recognized most of the characters in the movie although the characters in the movie seemed older than the ones in the book. I think the person who made the movie and chose the characters did a really good job because they were exactly how I imagined. I liked the book better than the movie!

wana start somethin? toya said...

honestly i didn't like the movie. i felt that it was a "rip-off" after reading the book. i imagined the characters how i saw them on the cover, with the actual freedom writers. they sorta let me down cause they only did two years and i didn't like that. to show people how the kids really changed and learned acceptance, they needed to at least show senior year so people could actually compare the years. i wanted them to show the family relationships, and the abuse some people have gone through. i don't think the movie alone cut it to change peoples views as well as the book did.

dzmyriam said...

Some of them were as I pictured in the movie. When I first saw the movie I didn't realize that they went through sophomore year together. A lot of the characters in the movie didn't seem like they were 13 or 14.

plummer_816 said...

yes, but since in the book the diaries dint give the name of who was writing it was hard to tell if it was a girl or boy. other than that yeah i think the movie really keep the books meaning.


Daniiela :D said...

Well I will have to say that some of the characters did seem like the ones in the book but some other didn't. I think that in the movie they missed a lot of the student and dairy's so that took a lot of the essence away because first it wasn't all in order and they didn't put most of the visit or field trips they had.

atehsarah said...

they were a lot older for me but some of them actually were what i pictured them to be. Also there seemed to be less kids than I had thought. They also only showed Freshman and Sophomore which is kind of sad because I also wanted to see the Junior and Senior parts.

J-Rod said...

The characters were not portrayed correctly in the movie. The kids were struggling a lot more in the book. They didn't really show the kids struggle, like in the book. What makes the story so great is that the had those horrible problems, but they overcame everything people said about them and their situations. They also didn't incorporate all of the other kids struggles that were just as equally bad. I also expected John Tu to actually be in the movie, because in the book a lot of the kids were influenced by him and his successes. He donated a lot of computers to the classroom, but it only mentions him in a brief summary of how they got the computers. It upset me a little because he could have been mentioned more.

Earised said...

the main thing i noticed from the movies is how the book including everything the movie didnt... in the movie eva had to speak in a trail but in the book it didnt tell of anything like that. i also noticed they sugar coated stuff in the movie unlike in the book...also in the book all the stories happened to different and more students of students. but in the movie they only told a few short stories with the main characters...i felt jaded but i still love the movie and the book...